The world is constantly changing. The old gives way to the new. In some places we must be more cautious than in others. Cultural heritage plays a pivotal role in ‘Omgevingsvisies’ zoning plans building permits and heritage policies. SteenhuisMeurs is committed to preserving cultural heritage in spatial planning. We assist governments and developers in formulating heritage policies and strategies while also developing tools for development in protected urban cityscapes and landscapes. In quality teams design meetings and conversations with the public we identify opportunities for transformation that enhance the cultural heritage values. Together we establish the level of ambition for each area ultimately improving the quality of plans.
Located on the Vestdijk in Eindhoven, the VDMA site is being redeveloped into a high-rise ensemble and an urban forest. Existing buildings will be preserved: the nineteenth century Lucifer factory, a chauffeur's house and a garage complex from the twenties, and a former apartment building for nurses of a (demolished) hospital from the fifties. Only the chauffeur's house is a listed monument. The new construction is planned in between, on top of and intersecting with the old buildings. The ground floor of the complex, with a mix of old and new structures, will become a vibrant and diverse area with offices and facilities. Paul Meurs was involved as a heritage advisor in the design development after the tender phase. The cultural heritage assessments of the buildings were translated into a cultural heritage strategy, in which the heritage values and ambition for each building are defined. During the planning phase of the redevelopment, new (technical) facts regularly come to light, after which the design is adjusted. In this dynamic process, the heritage strategy ensures coherence and provides a framework for discussions with the municipality and heritage organisations in Eindhoven.
In the 1950s the Zwitsal factory was built along the Apeldoorn Kanaal. The complex grew into an industrial park with a family of buildings set in green surroundings. After the factory relocated in 2013 the municipality acquired the complex with the aim of creating a diverse urban neighbourhood. Schipper Bosch was selected as the developer through a tendering process. SteenhuisMeurs was part of the team as a cultural heritage advisor. Schipper Bosch's vision focused on the maximum preservation of Zwitsal's heritage combined with new construction closely intertwined with the existing structures. Following the tender Schipper Bosch and the municipality developed a vision document to serve as a framework for the future. The document includes a cultural heritage strategy outlining the plans for heritage protection and its significance for future spatial quality. After the municipality approved the vision document the site was sold to Schipper Bosch.
By Dutch standards, the inner city of Deventer is very rich in historical structures and layers. The oldest known stone house in the country is situated right next to a modern library. Since 1988, a major part of the inner city of Deventer has been a protected townscape. The municipality of Deventer wants to protect the characteristic structure and spatial quality of the inner city, as these aspects are closely related to Deventer’s historical development. This ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ sets out the guidelines for the desired architectural and spatial characteristics of the city centre, based on the existing qualities. Starting point is the integration of current issues and challenges – relating to climate, energy, mobility and new functions in the historic city. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ consists of three parts: a vision statement on the qualities of Deventer’s city centre, a manual for public spaces and the manual for buildings. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ is the result of an active participation process, with committed inhabitants, local business owners, politicians and administrators, who all participated from a desire to cherish the unique values of Deventer inner city. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ is available online (in Dutch only): deventer.nl/beeldkwaliteitsplan
The world is constantly changing. The old gives way to the new. In some places we must be more cautious than in others. Cultural heritage plays a pivotal role in ‘Omgevingsvisies’ zoning plans building permits and heritage policies. SteenhuisMeurs is committed to preserving cultural heritage in spatial planning. We assist governments and developers in formulating heritage policies and strategies while also developing tools for development in protected urban cityscapes and landscapes. In quality teams design meetings and conversations with the public we identify opportunities for transformation that enhance the cultural heritage values. Together we establish the level of ambition for each area ultimately improving the quality of plans.
Located on the Vestdijk in Eindhoven, the VDMA site is being redeveloped into a high-rise ensemble and an urban forest. Existing buildings will be preserved: the nineteenth century Lucifer factory, a chauffeur's house and a garage complex from the twenties, and a former apartment building for nurses of a (demolished) hospital from the fifties. Only the chauffeur's house is a listed monument. The new construction is planned in between, on top of and intersecting with the old buildings. The ground floor of the complex, with a mix of old and new structures, will become a vibrant and diverse area with offices and facilities. Paul Meurs was involved as a heritage advisor in the design development after the tender phase. The cultural heritage assessments of the buildings were translated into a cultural heritage strategy, in which the heritage values and ambition for each building are defined. During the planning phase of the redevelopment, new (technical) facts regularly come to light, after which the design is adjusted. In this dynamic process, the heritage strategy ensures coherence and provides a framework for discussions with the municipality and heritage organisations in Eindhoven.
In the 1950s the Zwitsal factory was built along the Apeldoorn Kanaal. The complex grew into an industrial park with a family of buildings set in green surroundings. After the factory relocated in 2013 the municipality acquired the complex with the aim of creating a diverse urban neighbourhood. Schipper Bosch was selected as the developer through a tendering process. SteenhuisMeurs was part of the team as a cultural heritage advisor. Schipper Bosch's vision focused on the maximum preservation of Zwitsal's heritage combined with new construction closely intertwined with the existing structures. Following the tender Schipper Bosch and the municipality developed a vision document to serve as a framework for the future. The document includes a cultural heritage strategy outlining the plans for heritage protection and its significance for future spatial quality. After the municipality approved the vision document the site was sold to Schipper Bosch.
By Dutch standards, the inner city of Deventer is very rich in historical structures and layers. The oldest known stone house in the country is situated right next to a modern library. Since 1988, a major part of the inner city of Deventer has been a protected townscape. The municipality of Deventer wants to protect the characteristic structure and spatial quality of the inner city, as these aspects are closely related to Deventer’s historical development. This ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ sets out the guidelines for the desired architectural and spatial characteristics of the city centre, based on the existing qualities. Starting point is the integration of current issues and challenges – relating to climate, energy, mobility and new functions in the historic city. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ consists of three parts: a vision statement on the qualities of Deventer’s city centre, a manual for public spaces and the manual for buildings. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ is the result of an active participation process, with committed inhabitants, local business owners, politicians and administrators, who all participated from a desire to cherish the unique values of Deventer inner city. The ‘beeldkwaliteitsplan’ is available online (in Dutch only): deventer.nl/beeldkwaliteitsplan